A few words

About Us


Mission Statement for G.A.B.E.D.A (Gender Action for Better Environment and Development Access)


At G.A.B.E.D.A, our mission is to empower individuals and communities across Africa, irrespective of their gender or background, to achieve gender equality, environmental sustainability, and equitable access to development opportunities. We are committed to dismantling barriers, fostering education, and promoting responsible environmental stewardship, creating a future where all can prosper and contribute to a sustainable and just world.


G.A.B.E.D.A envisions an Africa where every person, regardless of their gender or socio-economic status, has the opportunity to thrive and realise their full potential. We aspire to a continent where gender equality is the norm, environmental sustainability is a reality, and development opportunities are accessible to all. We strive for a future where Africa’s diverse communities harmoniously coexist with their natural surroundings, fostering a thriving and inclusive society for generations to come.

Our Founder’s Story

Beatrice Galega: A Trailblazer's Journey of Empowerment

In the heart of a traditional African kingdom, Beatrice Galega was born into a world steeped in tradition and royalty. Her father, Chief HRH Galega 2, was a figure of immense authority with 40 wives and over 200 children. But in the confines of the palace, Beatrice bore witness to the inequalities that permeated her society.

Growing up in the palace, the boys were afforded privileged access to education and rights, while the girls were often considered assets to be married off, their worth measured in alliances and dowries. Girls were, in essence, seen as laborers, toiling relentlessly on the family’s farms.

Yet, Beatrice was a different kind of princess. She possessed an indomitable spirit and an unyielding desire for education. With the unwavering support of her mother and aunt, two women who recognized her potential, Beatrice found a way to pursue an education despite the challenges and gender norms that held others back.

Beatrice’s journey was marked by grit and determination. She traversed long distances to reach a modest school, which, although modest, was a place of promise. There, she imbibed knowledge with an insatiable appetite, garnering the attention and admiration of her teachers and peers.

Her dedication earned her a scholarship that alleviated the financial burden on her family and allowed her to excel academically. Beatrice recognized that her mission extended beyond her personal ambitions, and she viewed herself as a beacon of hope for the girls in her community.

Years later, Beatrice founded G.A.B.E.D.A (Gender Action for Better Environment and Development Access), an organization dedicated to empowering women and girls. G.A.B.E.D.A provided opportunities for education, economic independence, and a voice in the decision-making processes of communities. It wasn’t just an organization; it was a movement, a testament to the power of education and determination.

Beatrice’s vision didn’t stop there. She established “Galdena Ventures,” a successful business venture that supplied educational, health, and technology equipment across Cameroon, fostering innovation and progress in these crucial sectors.

As if her achievements in education, business, and community empowerment were not enough, Beatrice pursued further studies. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Law and a postgraduate degree in Guidance and Counseling, a testament to her commitment to lifelong learning.

Her expertise and dedication led to a role at the Ministry of Higher Education, where she served as a Guidance Counselor. Her exceptional performance in this position saw her rise to the rank of Head of Service for Survey, Land Management, and Masterplan, a role where she contributed significantly to the planning and development of the University of Bamenda.

Beatrice’s impact extended beyond her career and into rural communities. She championed initiatives to build schools, clinics, and sustainable agriculture projects, uplifting lives and expanding opportunities.

Her journey served as a powerful inspiration, reminding aspiring young girls that with determination, education, and a passion for positive change, one could overcome even the most challenging circumstances and achieve remarkable success.

Beatrice Galega’s story was a testament to the boundless potential of individuals who refuse to be limited by societal norms. Her legacy continued to shine as a beacon of hope, a symbol of empowerment, and a living testament to the remarkable heights one can reach with an unyielding spirit and a commitment to making the world a better place for all.

Warm regards,

Beatrice Galega 

Founder & President, G.A.B.E.D.A

Our Values and Principles

Values and Principles

Equality and Inclusivity

We champion equality, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of gender, background, or circumstance.

We strive to create an inclusive environment that fosters diversity, celebrates differences, and ensures that all voices are heard and respected.


We believe in the transformative power of empowerment, striving to uplift individuals and communities by providing them with the tools, resources, and opportunities needed to thrive.

We empower through education, economic initiatives, and advocacy, aiming to break down barriers and create a world where everyone can reach their full potential.

Environmental Stewardship

We are committed to environmental sustainability and stewardship, recognizing the interconnectedness of gender equality and a healthy environment.

We promote responsible environmental practices, conservation, and awareness to ensure a sustainable planet for current and future generations.

Community Development

We champion equality, recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of gender, background, or circumstance.

We strive to create an inclusive environment that fosters diversity, celebrates differences, and ensures that all voices are heard and respected.

Education for All

We advocate for universal access to quality education, understanding its pivotal role in breaking the cycle of poverty, fostering empowerment, and promoting gender equality.

We strive to create educational opportunities that are inclusive, equitable, and accessible to all, irrespective of gender or socio-economic status.

Transparency and Accountability

We operate with transparency in all our actions, ensuring that our stakeholders have clear insight into our activities, goals, and financial management.

We are accountable to the communities we serve, our donors, and the public, holding ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We recognize the power of collaboration and actively seek partnerships with like-minded organizations, governments, businesses, and communities.

We believe that collective efforts amplify impact, and through collaboration, we can address complex challenges more effectively.


We embrace innovation as a catalyst for positive change, seeking creative solutions to address evolving challenges in gender equality, environmental sustainability, and community development.

We encourage a culture of adaptability and continuous improvement, staying open to new ideas and approaches.


We are resilient in the face of challenges, understanding that progress often requires overcoming obstacles.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to our mission, learning from setbacks, and continuously adapting to create lasting and meaningful change.

Impact and Achievements

Impact and Achievements

Gender Equality Programs

Educational Empowerment: G.A.B.E.D.A’s Girls’ Education Empowerment Program (GEEP) has enabled hundreds of girls to access quality education, breaking the cycle of gender disparity in academic opportunities.

Leadership Training: The Young Future Leaders Program has nurtured a new generation of empowered and visionary leaders, equipping young girls with essential skills to thrive in diverse fields

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

Climate Change Mitigation: G.A.B.E.D.A’s initiatives in promoting sustainable agriculture and clean energy have contributed to local efforts in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Community Conservation: The organization’s commitment to environmental conservation has led to the establishment of community-driven conservation projects, preserving biodiversity and natural resources.

Women's Economic Empowerment

Business Ventures: G.A.B.E.D.A’s support for women entrepreneurs, exemplified by the Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative (WEEI), has resulted in the establishment of successful businesses, contributing to economic growth.

Galdena Ventures: The entrepreneurial arm of G.A.B.E.D.A, Galdena Ventures, has not only supplied educational, health, and technology equipment but has also become a model for sustainable and socially responsible business practices.

Community Development

Community Groups: The founding of women’s community groups, such as the Bali Women Cooperative, Njam-mun, and Centre Solidarity Group, has fostered unity, economic independence, and community-driven development.

Infrastructure Projects: G.A.B.E.D.A’s involvement in building educational institutions, clinics, and sustainable agriculture projects has enhanced the overall infrastructure and well-being of communities.

Educational Advocacy

Awareness Campaigns: The organization’s educational programs and advocacy have heightened awareness about the importance of education, inspiring communities to prioritize learning for both boys and girls.

Scholarship Programs: G.A.B.E.D.A’s scholarship programs have made education accessible to deserving individuals, breaking down financial barriers.

Legal Empowerment and Mass Marriage Legalization

Legal Initiatives: G.A.B.E.D.A’s legal empowerment initiatives have facilitated legal recognition for cohabiting couples, ensuring that love is formalized and protected under the law.

Mass Marriage Legalization Program: The program has not only legalized countless unions but has also challenged traditional norms, fostering inclusivity and equality

Academic and Career Achievements

Educational Pursuits: Beatrice Galega, the founder, serves as a role model, achieving academic excellence with degrees in Law and Guidance and Counseling.

Government Leadership: Beatrice’s contributions to the Ministry of Higher Education and her subsequent appointment as Head of Service for Survey, Land Management, and Masterplan showcase the organization’s influence in shaping national institutions.

Global Partnerships

Collaborations: G.A.B.E.D.A’s collaborations with government bodies, NGOs, and international organizations underscore the organization’s commitment to global partnerships for sustainable development.

Community Advocacy and Initiatives

Advocacy Campaigns: G.A.B.E.D.A has been a vocal advocate for social and environmental justice, influencing policies and garnering community support for various initiatives.

Youth Engagement: The organization’s focus on programs like the Young Future Leaders Program demonstrates a commitment to engaging and empowering the youth for sustained impact.

Role Model and Inspiration

Beatrice Galega’s Legacy: Beatrice Galega’s journey from the confines of a traditional royal family to a trailblazer in education, business, and community development serves as a lasting inspiration for aspiring individuals, especially young girls.

G.A.B.E.D.A’s impact goes beyond statistical achievements: it reverberates in the transformed lives of individuals and communities, breaking down barriers, fostering empowerment, and creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

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